ZŠ TGM Borohrádek is a school located in Borohrádek, which is a small town in Hradec Králové Region. Our school attended by about 240 learners aged 6 to 15 focuses on high-quality education, using modern technologies and approaches.
Our aim is to give every learner a chance to succeed in order to motivate every child to develop skills, promote active learning, positive attitude towards learning, build children's selfconfidence and tackle early school leaving. That is why we organize a wide range of activities such as free time activities and afternoon clubs, different events such as sport competitions, seminars, performances, charity work or activities focused on the environment. We are active in organizing different projects both on a local and international level.
Thanks to these facts, our school was named Pedagogical Faculty of the University of Hradec Králové Workplace in 2012 and in 2013 our school won the first place in the competition The best school and teacher held by the University of Hradec Králové.
Our school has taken part in several successful projects such as Comenius School Partnership, Comenius Regio, iTEC or eTwinning. Our eTwinning project Crossing Borders Via Videos won the 2nd National Award and another project called Flat Stanley Around Europe won the 1st National Award as well as European Language Label.
School website: www.zsboro.cz
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