The learning activity in the Czech Republic was held from 11th to 15th April 2016. The guests visited the hosting school, watched the opening ceremony, students played ice-breaker games and took part in various challenges and competitions in international teams.
One of the main outcomes of the learning activity in the Czech Republic was creating Interactive European Pathway using posters, videos, QR codes and Augmented Reality. Each participating school created a video and a poster about its homeland. As one of our goals is to inspire teachers throughout Europe to modernize ways of teaching and learning, we agreed on involving schools from other countries in this activity. Thanks to connecting our project and eTwinning, schools from 31 countries created a poster and video representing their homeland. The Czech school connected posters and videos via QR codes and Augmented Reality app Aurasma before the meeting in the Czech Republic. The first Interactive European Pathway was installed in the Czech school, but each participating school has access to all the posters, videos and other related materials (such as quizzes based on the posters and videos.)
In order to promote the project and European values, understanding among different nations and involve local community, teachers, hosting families as well as local authorities, the international evening was held during the meeting. In addition, in the framework of the project activities, foreign guests visited some places of interest (Photo competition, Challenge Record, Write, Publish). Evaluation and feedback forms were used and absolute majority of participants (students, hosting families, teachers) evaluated the activity in a very positive way. Besides, the project coordinators discussed the project and the upcoming activities.
It was planned that the second learning activity would take place in June 2016 in Ankara, Turkey. However, because of the terrorist attacks in Ankara, the activity had to be cancelled. The team agreed on organizing the learning activity in Poland in 2016 instead of 2017. And the planned meeting in Poland in 2017 was replaced by another meeting in the Czech Republic in 2017.
The meeting in the Czech Republic was held from 24th to 28th April 2017. Students working in international teams took part in various challenges and tasks. Students observed an opening ceremony, played ice breaker games, watched videos introducing each school, which were prepared before the learning acitivity. Videos and facts about schools were discussed and compared. After that, international teams created presentations about School of the future and presented their ideas to the others. Groups also set up their own training company produicing T-shirts. Each team agreed on their company name, target group and slogan, made three T-shirt designs that were transfered on T-shirts, created video adverts and presented their work to others. Aa well as this, Besides, they participated in other challenges such as sports tasks and Invisible Exhibition in Prague.
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